Our factory is open to the public Tuesday to Friday (always check google or Instagram just in case). You can shop many of our signature fresh and frozen pastas as well as traditional condiments, staple Italian dry goods, sweet merchandise and of course, our absolute favourite wines. Did we mention we sell wine?
Things we offer daily usually include:
- Tagliatelle, Rigatoni
- Tagliatelle, Rigatoni
- Ravioli, Agnolotti, Mezzelune
- Lasagne
- Fresh Bread, Fresh mozzarella
- Ragù, Sugo
- Butter, Eggs, Yeast
- Guanciale, Prosciutto, Salame
- Local and Italian Wines
- Olive Oil, Anchovies, ‘Nduja, Tuna in Oil
Any large orders or custom requests can be placed by clicking the Email Now button and contacting our shop. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.